Tech_Info/SAP2011. 3. 3. 13:40

ALV Classic 에서 개인세팅/디폴트세팅 옵션을 바꾸는 방법


23 유지보수 --> User-Specific (O), Default Setting (O)

없으면 --> User-specific(X) Default Setting(O) User-Specific mandatory greyed out


권한에 상관없이 사용가능하게 하려면, 프로그램에서 IS_LAYOUT-NO-AUTHOR = 'X' 를 넣어주면 되심.


ALV 'Classic' Creating User/Global Layout Variants

You are working with the ALV "Classic" function module REUSE_ALV_LIST_DISPLAY. 

Reading the documentation for the function module, it seems there is a way to save an ALV layout variant as "user-specific" and/or "global". But unfortunately, you either can only save "globals" (with the '/' as first character of the layout name) or "user-specific". 

You have tried the I_SAVE parameter as 'U' and can only save "user-specific". You tried I_SAVE as 'X' and can only save "global". You tried I_SAVE as 'A', but only can only save as "user-specific". The odd thing is, on the Save Layout pop-up dialog the User-Specific checkbox is always "greyed-out", but has a check (for 'U' and 'A') or is checkless (for 'X').

Can "user" and "global" layout variants be saved together from same program with I_SAVE as 'A'? 

Why is the User-Specific checkbox on the Save Layout pop-up always "greyed-out"?

You have the following EXPORTING parameters in my function module: 


I_SAVE = 'A' "<=== this is to be global & user IS_VARIANT = VARIANT

VARIANT has the program's name in the REPORT field.


The "user-specific saving" needs a special authorization: 

Authority-check object 'S_ALV_LAYO' id 'ACTVT' field '23', you can 

avoid this authorization with IS_LAYOUT-NO_AUTHOR = 'X'


Pasted from <>



S_ALV_LAYO 23 있으면 수정 가능함.

없으면 아래와 같이 Global 안되고, User-Specific으로 변경됨.


Posted by 구리구리
Tech_Info/SAP2010. 8. 3. 17:34

본인 Job SPOOL 조회하는 권한

## Object





'Tech_Info > SAP' 카테고리의 다른 글

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Posted by 알 수 없는 사용자
Tech_Info/SAP2010. 1. 8. 15:51

원문 :

When initiating a transaction, a system program performs a series of checks to ensure that the user is authorized.

1. The program checks whether the transaction code exists in table TSTC.

2. The program checks whether the transaction code is locked by the administrator (transaction code SM01).

3. The program checks whether the user has the authority to start the transaction. Authorization object S_TCODE (transaction start) contains the
authorization field TCD (transaction code). The user must have the appropriate authorization for the transaction code to be started (for example, FK01, Create Vendor).

4. The program checks whether an authorization object is assigned to the transaction code. If this is the case, the program checks whether the user has an authorization for this authorization object. The transaction code/authorization object assignment is stored in table TSTCA.

5. The system performs authorization checks in the ABAP program using the ABAP statement Authority-Check.

Note: An SAP program controls steps 1-4. It displays an automatic message to the user if an authorization attempt fails in the step.

한글 :
SAP Program이 실행될때 확인하는 순서
1. TSTC Table에 Tcode가 있는지 확인
2. Transaction이 막혀있는지 확인 (SM01)
3. 권한 점검 (S_TCODE, TCD등등)
4. 해당 권한 object가 있는지 확인 (TSTCA Table에 저장되어 있음)
5. 프로그램은 ABAP구문에서 Authority-Check라는 걸로 체크함

Note : SAP Program은 1-4까지로 권한 체그함.

Posted by 알 수 없는 사용자