'WEBGUI'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2010.04.29 WEB GUI 설정하기
Tech_Info/SAP2010. 4. 29. 17:41
Activate and Configure SAP ITS Webgui on SAP ECC 6.0
Since SAP ECC 5.0 and ECC 6.0, SAP has integrates its SAP Internet Transaction Server (ITS) on its server. You don’t need to install separate ITS server. You just need to activate and configure it. Follow this procedure :

Check if you have activated:
1) With transaction SICF and locate the services by path

2)With Transaction SE80 locate from the menu, Utilities –> Settings–>Internet Transaction Server (Tab)–>Publish (Tab) and set “On Selected
This restricts the publication in the next step to the integrated (internal) ITS.

3)In SE80 only, Locate the Internet Services: SYSTEM and WEBGUI.
Publish these services with the Context Menu -> Publish -> Complete Service

4)Now Browse to http://<server>:<icmport>/sap/bc/gui/sap/its/webgui/! and login to the webgui.

Hope this tutorial help you.

곰형이 갑자기 물어봐서, 인터넷 뒤져서 해결함. ㅋㅋ

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