'librfc32'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2010.04.05 MDX Parser Error
Tech_Info/SAP2010. 4. 5. 14:28
BI 7.0 에서 BI 7.0 EHP1 으로 업그레이드 후 RFC Error 발생.

증상 :
SM59에서 MDX Parser Connection Test를 하면 아래와 같이 에러가 남

원인 :
The MDX parser is an executable program that is installed with the kernel.
The file name is mdxsvr.exe.The communication between ABAP and MDX parser is carried out in
binary format and the MDX parser works internally with UTF-8.
Therefore, there is no special UNICODE version of the MDX parser
and so the current NON-UNICODE RFC library is required.

간단해석-UNICODE 버전이없음. NON-UNICODE RFC Library가필요함.

해결방법 :

# Librfc32.dll 을모든서버에적용함.
1.Non-Unicode 용librfc32.dll 을download 받는다.
•(Non unicode kernel 받으면해결)
2.Stop all application which use librfc32.dll
•관련Service down 시키면됨. Reboot Best)
3./usr/sap/<SID>/sys/exe 에해당파일을카피한다. (Unicode일경우exe\uc\xxxxxx)
4.Register librfc32.dll with regsvr32
•도스창에서입력“ regsvr32 <full patch>\librfc32.dll “

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