'svc'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2006.10.24 SAN Volume Controller (SVC)
Tech_Info/OS2006. 10. 24. 17:51
Simplify your storage infrastructure with IBM TotalStorage® SAN Volume Controller (SVC). Designed to enable changes to the physical storage with minimal or no disruption to applications, TotalStorage SAN Volume Controller combines the capacity from multiple disk storage systems into a single storage pool, which can be managed from a central point. This is simpler to manage, helps to increase utilization and improve application availability.

TotalStorage SAN Volume Controller's extensive support for non-IBM storage systems -- including EMC, HP and HDS -- enables a tiered storage environment to allow you to better match the cost of the storage to the value of your data. You can apply advanced copy services across storage systems from many different vendors to help further simplify operations. Now on its seventh release, TotalStorage SAN Volume Controller is designed to manage even larger and more diverse storage environments.

Link : http://searchcio.bitpipe.com/detail/PROD/1151302361_955.html&src=searchcio.bitpipe.com

SVC Information Center : http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/svcic/v3r1m0/topic/com.ibm.svc.web.doc/svc_ichome_1ux9eg.html
SVC 설명 : http://datanet.co.kr/market/read.html?cd=2836&N_cate1=1&N_cate2=13
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